Agni :] Agni :]
Agni was the Aryan fire god.
Loki is the Norse god of fire.
Loki is the Norse god of fire.
No, Loki is not the god of fire. He is known as the trickster god in Norse mythology. The god of fire in Norse mythology is actually Logi.
No, Mars is the Roman god of war. Vulcan is the god of fire.
Loki is the Norse god of fire.
Hephaestus was the Greek God of fire. Vulcan was the Roman God of fire. Apollo was God of light, truth, the sun, music, prophecy and healing.
No; he is strictly a volcanic god of fire; that is fire of earth.He may work in a volcano, that does not make him a Underworld god.
Hephaestus. He was always the god of fire AND craftsmen. That has never changed.
The greek god of fire was Hephaestus (the roman name of Hephaestus was "Vulcan"
He is the Greek god of fire, and especially blacksmith's fire, and he is also the god of volcanoes