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The author is Lou Kassem

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Q: Who is the author of middle school blues?
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Who is the author of how to survive middle school?

It's how I survived middle school!Anyways the author is Nancy Krulik.

Who wrote Middle School The Worst Years of My Life?

James Patterson co-wrote "Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life" with Chris Tebbetts.

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Hans Magnus Enzensberger wrote "Middle class blues" in 1963.

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Edison middle school became a middle school when it was built. Because they built the middle school to become a middle school.

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No. Philip Pullman CBE was originally a middle school teacher at Bishop Kirk Middle School in North Oxford during the 1970s.

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Nancy Berla has written: 'The middle school years' -- subject(s): Adolescence, Handbooks, manuals, Middle school education, Parent participation

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How many schools are in Virginia Beach Virginia?

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Janet W Burnett has written: 'An analysis of middle school educator's knowledge of recent research on brain functioning and the effects on middle school curricula' -- subject(s): Curricula, Middle schools

What middle school did Sandra Bullock go to?

Lincoln Middle School in downtown Milwaukee