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Lord minerva was the antagonist

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Q: Who is the antagonist in the Hunt for the Seventh?
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Does Jim die in the hunt for the seventh?

no he does not

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Who wrote The Hunt for the Seventh?

Christine Morton-Shaw wrote the book called The Hunt for the Seventh. yes she did and she is the best author in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!! because she wrote the best book in the world!!!!!!!

What genre is The Hunt for the Seventh?

"The Hunt for the Seventh" is a supernatural mystery novel, blending elements of horror and suspense with a focus on a curse surrounding a family and a search for a hidden treasure.

What is the theme for the hunt for the seventh?

Don't go to creepy mansions.

Did Bonnie Hunt star in 7th Heaven?

Bonnie Hunt was never on seventh heaven she had her own show called the Bonnie Hunt Show

Do the have a movie called the hunt for the seventh?

Nopz!! not in English for sure I WISH THERE WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where is The hunt for the seventh story map?

it is in the book and i cant find it online.

Who is the antagonist for the short story seventh grade by Gary Soto?

In the short story "Seventh Grade" by Gary Soto, the antagonist can be considered to be the protagonist's own feelings of insecurity and self-doubt, which arise as he tries to impress a girl in his class named Teresa. These feelings create internal conflict for the protagonist as he navigates the challenges of being in seventh grade.

How old is Henry Minerva in the Hunt for the Seventh?

10 or 11 years old

Who died in the book The Hunt of the Seventh?

In the book The Hunt of the Seventh by Christine Morton-Shaw, the character who dies is Agnes Radmell. Agnes is found dead under mysterious circumstances, which sets off a chain of events in the story.

Why did Christine Morton Shaw write The Hunt For The Seventh?

She probably wrote it because she loves mystery and a book might have inspired her to write the hunt for the seventh or a thought came to her and she wrote an amazing, mysterious, problem solving book that I feel in love with and you will to.