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Within the US, the American Medical Association.

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Q: Who do you report a doctor who is over prescribing medications to?
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Related questions

How do you report a doctor for over prescribing suboxtone?

Go the the AMA website.

What is electronic prescribing used for?

Electronic prescribing is used for prescribing medicine for people over the internet. It allows people to get prescriptions for medicine without physically seeing a doctor.

What is the right way to give medication to a patient?

There is no one right way for all medications and all patients. Medications vary in the means, frequency, and duration of administration required, and should always be given exactly as instructed by the prescribing physician for prescription medications, or by the information on the label for over-the-counter medications.

What are over the counter medications?

Medicines you can buy without a doctor's prescription.

Who do you report a doctor to for over charging?

State Medical Board

What is a thesis statement about death?

There are many things that can be said to make a thesis statement about death. One would be 'Deaths Occurring More Frequently due to Over Prescribing of Healthcare Medications'.

Can you get birth control over the counter or does a doctor have to prescribe it?

birth control medications have to be prescribed by a doctor. However birth control condoms are available over the counter.

What to do if you have a vaginal thrush dureing your pregnancy?

Go to the doctor, over the counter medications might not be safe.

Is it important a doctor that you are on birth control for a minor surgery?

Yes you need to tell the doctor about ALL medication you are on including medications that you bought over the counter.

How do you get over being depressed?

Do happy things, count your blessings of what you DO have, not what you don't, and go to the doctor and get some medications if needed.

Can you take Reductil if you are on Amlovasc?

Your doctor should have gone over this with you before prescribing these. Call his/her office and ask, as such things vary with the individual. If you cannot reach the office, contact your local pharmacy.

What kind of medications offer Headache Relief?

There are many options for the medical treatment of headaches. You should start with over the counter medications like Tylenol or Ibuprofen, and see a doctor if these do not work.