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Q: Which strategie is most useful during pre-reading and reading?
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a dialogue is useful when you are reading novels and or reading things that has something to do with a play or movie

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Reading through your sources and collecting information that might be useful

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Breaking information down into manageable pieces can help you:

Why are reading strategies useful?

Reading ahead gives you an idea of what's coming next so you can get the information you need to understand that part.

What is purpose of reading?

Reading is a useful skill used to convey information through text.

How are place values and periods useful in reading whole numbers?

there useful because then you will not now were are the thosands

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it is used for reading

Why should you bring a book during long travel?

It is a good way to spend time in a useful way by getting more cultural knowledge. It is also useful to have something interesting; through reading; so you don't feel boring.

Why should bring a book during long travel?

It is a good way to spend time in a useful way by getting more cultural knowledge. It is also useful to have something interesting; through reading; so you don't feel boring.