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Every day you have the opportunity to be curious about the natural world around you, about current events, history -- curious about anything and everything.

The great jackpot for you in writing about something is learning about it. Learning by writing is one of the best ways for you to develop your critical thinking abilities.

You will be most successful writing about something that you're curious about.

In sum: you can be thinking all the time about what you want to write about.

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Q: Which stage of the writing process do you think about and research what you want to write?
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Drafting, but I think that the real first step in writing any essay is research.

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The reason that prewriting is so important in the writing process is so you can think about multiple ideas. Then you can decide on the best one.

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If I were to break the pre-writing process into stages, it would be as follows: 1. Pick a topic (or obtain an assigned topic). 2. Think about the topic and get an idea of what you would like to say about it and what you need to know in order to say what you want to say. 3. Research the topic, taking notes as needed. 4. As long as you have a working computer and word processing program (or more primitve writing equipment if you are so inclined) and a dictionary, you are now ready to write. novanet answer -----> gathering details

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Thinking critically about your own writing can be difficult- Apex :)

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i think not so sure but i think it is when you edit your rough draft

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How do you come up with a good dissertation question?

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