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Q: Which solids conduct electricity when they are dissolved?
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Do covalent compounds conduct electricity as solids?

No, covalent compounds do not conduct electricity as solids because the electrons are held tightly in the atoms and are not free to move and carry an electric charge. This is in contrast to ionic compounds, where the ions are free to move and conduct electricity when dissolved in water or when molten.

Does ionic compounds conduct in electricity?

Ionic compounds conduct electricity when they are dissolved in water or melted, allowing the ions to move and carry electric charge. Solid ionic compounds do not conduct electricity because the ions are fixed in place and unable to move to carry charge.

Ionic solid conduct electricity?

Ionic solids do not conduct electricity in their solid state because their ions are not free to move and carry electric charge. However, when they are melted or dissolved in water, the ions become free to move and conduct electricity.

Can tap water conduct electricity?

Yes, tap water can conduct electricity due to the presence of dissolved ions like sodium and chloride. However, pure water does not conduct electricity because it lacks these ions. It's always important to be cautious when dealing with electricity and water to prevent accidents.

Ionic solids bad conductors of electricity?

Ionic solids are generally bad conductors of electricity in their solid state because their ions are held in a fixed position by strong electrostatic forces. However, when ionic solids are melted or dissolved in water, they can conduct electricity due to the mobility of their ions.

Why are ionic solids poor conductors or electricity?

Ionic solids are poor conductors of electricity because the ions in the solid are not free to move and carry an electric charge. In ionic solids, the positive and negative ions are locked into a rigid crystalline lattice and cannot move freely to conduct electricity. Only when the ionic solid is melted or dissolved in water do the ions become mobile and able to conduct electricity.

What mixes with water that can conduct electricity?

An ionic compound dissolved in water is an electrolyte and can conduct electricity.

Does dissolved chlorine conduct electricity?


How do ionic compounds conduct?

Do_ionic_compounds_conduct_electricitycompounds conduct electricity when they are either dissolved in water of they are molten. If they remain a solid then they will not conduct electricity

What is the relationship between conductivity and TDS?

TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) is a measure of all inorganic and organic substances dissolved in water. Conductivity is a measure of a solution's ability to conduct an electrical current, which is influenced by the TDS content. Generally, higher TDS levels lead to higher conductivity because dissolved solids such as salts and minerals increase the water's ability to conduct electricity.

Can acids conduct electricity?

acid can conduct electricity when dissolved in water because they produce h+ ions

Does potassuim hydroxide conduct electricity?

Not in its standard solid state. But it will conduct electricity if molten or dissolved in water.