

Which schools use moodle?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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13y ago

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  • Island School

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Q: Which schools use moodle?
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Related questions

How do you use Google Docs on moodle?

You may be able to find the answer you want on the Moodle site, since this is not a Google Docs question -- it is a Moodle question.

What does moodle do?

Well my school uses moodle. and what the teacher or student can do is put information on for your coursework or homework. Some schools or colleges can have a chatting station ,where you can talk to teachers or lectures about lessons or coursework or friends.Hope this helps

Why is moodle call moodle?

Moodle stands for Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.

How do you you log on to moodle in prairie wood high?

Use a computer

How do you install and use Moodle?

well u do some stuff

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Law school to sue you for such a silly question =)

Who is the author of moodle?

Moodle was created by Martin Dougiamas in 2002.

Can you get on moodle olathe usd233 on a dsi?

Yes you can just connect it to the wifi and just go to moodle it's that easy

What is the scientific name for a moodle dog?

The scientific name for a moodle dog is a crossbreed, which means it does not have an official scientific name. "Moodle" is a term commonly used to refer to a cross between a Maltese and a Poodle.

Is moodle a drug?

yes moodle is a drug. its a new type of drug that all the kids are using now. they say its the new thing.

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Bob moodle is a man

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