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Most dental hygiene schools are very good. When choosing a school, be sure it is accredited and has a high pass rate on the national boards (greater than 90%).

Also, ask around to local dental hygienists in your area. They can recommend a good school and steer you away from poor ones.

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16y ago

There are many good colleges. Might I suggest Pace University??

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Q: Which school is the best for a dental hygenist?
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The best way to find a dental hygenist training school in Kentucky is to consult the admission advertisements appearing in different newspapers from time to time and the universities web portals.

What is a good dental hygenist school?

There are plenty of good Dental Hygenist schools out there. Location and cost should play a key role in the choice taken. Take time to research every school that interests you.

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There are several online dental hygenist programs available. Many of these programs are directed through a local college or University.

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The best way to find information on dental hygenist saleries is to do a search on the internet. You can also speak with someone at an office to see if they can give you any information a suggest a good place to start.

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It stands for dental hygene or dental hygenist.

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The job as a dental hygenist is not considered a high paying job. It requires certification and is a lot of work. A dentist would be a high paying job but one must complete medical school to become a dentist.

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AA Degree = Two Years Can be a shorter time period if attending a school specializing in dental occupations and the classes are 'accelerated'.

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Dental school takes anywhere from two to eight years going full time. If you are going to be a hygenist it will take about two years. If you are going to be a dentist it is more like eight years.

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Here is a good site that will prepare you for the dental hygenist exam: