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Active present indicative Active imperfect indicative

1st person singular sum eram

2st person singular es eras

3st person singular est erat

1st person plural sumus eramus

2st person plural estis eratis

3st person plural sunt erant

Active present subjunctive Active imperfect subjunctive

1st person singular sim essem

2st person singular sis esses

3st person singular sit esset

1st person plural simus essemus

2st person plural sitis essetis

3st person plural sint essent

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16y ago
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16y ago

Assume you mean present subjunctive of esse: Sim, sis, sit, simus, sitis, sint. -That's 1st sing thru 3rd plural.

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14y ago

Esse is an irregular verb and does not belong to any of the standard conjugations.

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