The critical issue is the schools accreditation. Both institutions have the preferred regional accreditation; Strayer with the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, and Argosy with the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Therefore, the coursework and degree you complete through either of the schools will be recognized by all other colleges and universities, as well as employers. You will have to research each school. Look into the services offered, programs of study, the tuition and fees, student to professor ratio, activities, campus environment etc. Then you will have to choose the institution you feel meets your personal needs, wants, and desires best.
that depends on the preferred level of rape.
Anything "C" or Better shouldtransfer to any Regionally Accredited Program.
College is for pussys.
I am an employee of Argosy University on their web team. I can't speak to Charter Oak's quality, but I can provide more information about Argosy and what we offer. It really depends on the type of program you're looking for, but we offer Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programs in Business, Education, Health Sciences, and Psychology. Check out some of our sample course media at our website by searching Google and read what current Argosy students are talking about on our Facebook page by searching facebook for "aucampuscommon." I am not sure about Charter Oak but Argosy University is quite good. Argosy University has the purpose of making it easier for students that would help them focus more on what they need to know rather than worrying about their other priorities. This shows that the University gives their students the freedom to decide on things that are most convenient for them. Bottom line is, it should depend on the program for which you are opting. You should do good research before choosing one, especially when it comes to an online school.
A university diploma is much better, and more expensive, than a diploma from a community college.
The motto of Christian Service University College is 'To Know Christ Better And To Make Him Better Known'.
Strayer University is a private for-profit university in the United States offering undergraduate and graduate programs. It primarily focuses on providing degree programs that are tailored for working adults who require flexibility in their studies. The university has a significant online presence, along with physical campuses in various states.
It does not matter as long as the college or university has the appropriate accreditation.
University of Mississippi is much better than cowtown university.
Leiden University College The Hague's motto is 'Building knowledge for a better world'.
Kimathi University College of Technology's motto is 'Better Life Through Technology'.