is it "carrida" or "corrida"?
if it's corrida, then you would probably be in Spain. in those bulls races they do. San Fermin Fest (I guess)
"Una cuadernos" is not grammatically correct in Spanish. "Una cuaderno" would mean "a notebook" in English.
Tengo una pregunta. However...if you ASK a question, you would use "hacer una pregunta".
Children of Bodom are a Finnish extreme metal band. If you were watching a Children of Bodom video you would be watching a finnish heavy metal music video.
Tienes una hija = You have a daughter (Informal) ¿Tienes una hija? = Do you have a daughter? (Informal) If you wanted to say it formally, you would do: Usted tiene una hija = You have a daughter (Formal) ¿Usted tiene una hija? = Do you have a daughter? (Formal)
The correct phrase would be "Yo como una nuez," which means "I eat a nut" in English.
"¿Cómo puedo tener una tarjeta?" would be "How can I have a card?" in English.
Translation: Quieres pintar una pintura? (informal) Quisiera pintar una pintura? (formal)
Me gustaría hacer una reservación. or Me gustaría reservar una mesa.
If it means to ride a bicycle, it would translate as "montar una bici". If it means to ride a motorcycle, it would translate as "montar una moto"