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the master program of OS is stored in ROM.

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Q: Where is the OS master program stored?
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What two items are contained in the MBR?

1.The master boot program (446 bytes), which loads the OS boot program stored in the OS boot record. (The OS boot program begins the process of loading the OS.) 2.The partition table, which contains the description, location, and size of each partitionon the drive (up to four).

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MBR (Master Boot Record) program.

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a boot program starts the operatins system stored in Ram

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Can OS be stored in RAM?

No, the OS, which stands for operating system, is stored on your hard drive.

What part of the PC is the os stored?

The OS is stored in the Hard Drive then when you load up your computer it is loaded into the ram

How program stored?

Actually, you do not store information in any program. You store it in a file on a hard drive. The program is what lets you access the information. Usually, large amounts of data that can yield information is managed by a data base system.

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Where is the OS in a computer?

The OS is stored in the Hard Disk of the computer.