The address of the Essex Institute is: 132 Essex St, Salem, MA 01970-3701
The phone number of the Essex Institute is: 978-744-3390.
Salem is a city in Essex County, Massachusetts, in the United States.
The Salem Witch Museum is located in Salem, Massachusetts. They offer information on the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and they show the evolution of witches over the years.
Salem, seat of Essex County, is located on the northeast coast of Massachusetts at the mouth of the Naumkeag River.
The address of the Proprietors Of The Salem Athenaeum is: 337 Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970
The Salem Witch Trials were held in Salem, Massachusetts.
Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts.
The address of the Witch History Museum is: 197 Essex St, Salem, MA 01970
The home known as the "Witch House" in Salem, is located at the following address:310 1/2 Essex Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970
Answer The famous witch trails took place in Salem.
The web address of the Peabody Essex Museum is:
The trials were in Salem, essex county, Massachusetts.