Winthrop University was created in 1886.
Winthrop-University Hospital was created in 1896.
The GPA requirement to get into Winthrop is 3.64
The address of the Winthrop Community Library is: 49 Highway 20, Winthrop, 98862 0519
The address of the Winthrop Public Library is: 720 High Street, Winthrop, 71866 0193
There is a Cyberknife located at Winthrop. The Cyberknife at Winthrop was recently replaced and updated. It is the newest and most experienced Cyberknife facility in the Long Island and New York area. It is also one of the busiest in the world according to Accuray, the company that manufactures the Cyberknife.
The address of the Winthrop Maine Historical Society is: Po Box 33, Winthrop, ME 04364-0033
The address of the Winthrop Community Historical Society is: 25271 571 Avenue, Winthrop, MN 55396-2231
Dr. Jefferson Hodges
Winthrops mascot is the Eagle.
The motto of Winthrop University Police Department is 'Provide a safe and secure campus environment for our students, faculty, staff, and visitors'.
The address of the Friends Of Winthrop Public Library And Museum is: 2 Metcalf Square, Winthrop, MA 02152