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That phrase is a saying, and doesn't specifically appear in the Bible.

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Q: Where in the Bible does it say 'let go and let God'?
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Let god and let go?

To let go and let God simply means giving up self in order to get were God is trying to take you. Letting God take control of ones Life.We should let anyproblem go and let god provide us with the things we need.Basicaly, that's what i see.

What does bible say bout letting people go from your life?

if you are talking about killing yourself that will be a sin because GOD crated you and for you let that go its a SIN and that is the biggest thing GOD will never forgive you for

How many times is let go and let God used in the Bible?

That phrase does not occur in the Bible. It was made up by someone as a way of encouraging people to trust God.

Where in the bible does it say that God expects us to go on a Pilgrimage?

No where.

What will god say to us when he sees prostitution?

What he did say in the christian bible was "go forth and sin no more"

What does it say in the Bible about reicarnation?

The Bible tells us that no one in reincarnated but rather we go unto eternal life with or without God

Who built the Solar System?

God did. Plain and simple, God did. Others may disagree, but the Bible say simply, 'In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.' So, there you go!

In the Bible how long did God say man could live?

forever, because jesus died on the cross for us. So we go to heaven, and we can live forever with God. (this is in God's opinion)

How do hold on Jesus?

You don't hold on to Him otherwise you might let go...ask Him to hold on to you and He'll never let go! Pray, Read bible...and ask for cousel from God FIRST than from any unperfect human of this earth.

What did god tell Moses to say to Pharaoh?

God instructed Moses to go to Pharaoh and demand the release of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. He was to tell Pharaoh, "Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the wilderness."

In the Bible where did King David say that he was glad when they said unto you let us go in the house of the lord?

Psalms 122:1

What book of the Bible with chapter and verse says There but for the Grace of God go you?

This expression is NOT in the Bible.