

Best Answer

All dry, arid,and semiarid climates

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Amie Smitham

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2y ago
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Q: Where does precipitation exceed evaporation?
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The meditterranean sea is very salty. Does evaporation exceed precipitation or does preceipitation exceed evaporation over the mediterranean sea?

Evaporation exceeds precipitation.

What in dry climates rate of evaporation exceed?

rates of precipitation

In which biome do the evaporation rates exceed the precipitation rates?

The deserts biome is an example where evaporation rates often exceed precipitation rates. These regions receive limited rainfall, resulting in higher evaporation due to the intense heat and lack of moisture in the air.

What biome do the evaporation rates exceed the precipitation rates?

Deserts are biomes where evaporation rates typically exceed precipitation rates. This imbalance leads to arid conditions with limited water availability, making deserts some of the driest places on Earth.

In dry climates rates of evaporation exceed average temperatures rates of condensation number of sunny days rates of precipitation?

In dry climates, rates of evaporation exceed rates of precipitation. This leads to low humidity levels and a higher number of sunny days. As a result, there is limited condensation in these regions, contributing to their arid conditions.

In dry climates rates of evaporation exceed .?

rates of precipitation

What are characteristics of deserts?

The main characteristic that defines a desert is lack of precipitation. A desert is defined as a region that receives less than 10 inches (250 mm) of rainfall per year on average. The desert also has a high evaporation rate and evaporation and transpiration far exceed the annual precipitation.

Do earths oceans gain or lose water considering evaporation and precipitation together if so how much?

if evaporation is considered part of precipitation it odes because precipitation causes evaporation

How are evaporation precipitation and transpiration related to the water cycle?

Only evaporation and precipitation are steps in the water cycle.

What is after evaporation?

Condensation, and then precipitation.

Is evaporation Precipitation?

No, precipitation is rain,snow,hail,etc.

What is the Difference between evaporation condensation precipitation?

evaporation is a method to condensing