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Q: Where did ferrum get its name?
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What is the original name of iron?

Ferrum, which is latin.

Origin of name of iron?

The atomic symbol for iron was derived from its Latin name, ferrum.

Is the Latin name of iron Argentum?

No, the Latin name for iron is "Ferrum." "Argentum" is the Latin name for silver.

What is the modern name for Ferrum?


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What is Latin name for iron?


Your latin name is ferrum what are you?

Iron, or a sword.

Irons origin name?

Ferrum, which is latin.

What element is with name ferrum in Latin?

It is iron .

Why does fe stand for iron?

The chemical symbol for iron, Fe, comes from its Latin name "ferrum". The symbol Fe is derived from the Latin word "ferrum" which means iron.

Periodic name for iron?

Fe (Ferrum, from the Latin)