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I'm not sure where the Christian idea came from that there are 7 Hebrew words for praise, but there are actually dozens of Hebrew words for praise. These words can be found throughout the Hebrew Bible.

Here is a partial list of verbs that mean "praise", with some information about their exact meanings:

  1. Yadah (ידה) - to worship with extended hand
  2. Hodah (הודה) - To thank, used for thanking God for things not yet recieved, or things at hand. Todah is the noun.
  3. Hallel (הלל) - To be clear, to shine, show, rave, celebrate, and to be clamorously foolish. The noun form is Tehillah.
  4. Shavach (שבח) - to address in a loud tone, to commend, to triumph, to exclaim, glory, shout.
  5. Barach (ברך) - or berech (בירך) to kneel down and bless God as an act of adoration
  6. Zamar (זמר) - to touch the strings, and is used alongside instrumental worship
  7. Shar (שר) - to sing, to speak poetry
  8. Hishtakhavot (השתחוות) - To worship
  9. Hitpallel (התפלל) - To pray
  10. Sagad (סגד) to worship by kneeling
  11. Avad (עבד) to serve
  12. He'eritz (העריץ) to adore, appreciate, venerate
  13. Kara (כרע) to prostrate oneself
  14. Bikesh (ביקש) to beseech, to ask for something in prayer
  15. Keedesh (קידש) - to hallow or sanctify
  16. Romem (רומם) - to exalt
  17. Keebed (כיבד) - to honor
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Q: Where can the seven Hebrew words for praise be found in the bible?
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