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Q: Where can a hypernova be found?
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How big can hypernova get?

There is no such thing as a "hypernova". Making up words does not make something real.

How often is a hypernova created?


What is the action replay code for the hypernova sword in dragon quest 9?

There is no single code for hypernova blade to be got but there is a all weapon X99 code

What forms a black hole?

When a massive star dies, gravity forces it to fall in on itself, and the result is a gigantic explosion called a hypernova. The leftover of a hypernova is a black hole.

What kind of spatial explosion is the advanced form of a supernova?


What is an ultra mega supernova?

It's called a hypernova [See related]

Is it possible for the existence of a more powerful version of the Hypernova an Ultranova?

That is only currently possible if several if more than 1000 supernovas crashed dead right into each other. But there is no single thing that has the power of a hypernova.

How big will the hypernova be when vy canis majoris explodes?

A couple of light-years.

Will Antares the star hyper nova?

It is not expected for the star Antares to hypernova. Antares is a red supergiant star, and when it reaches the end of its life cycle, it is more likely to undergo a supernova event rather than a hypernova.

What is the hottest natural thing?

Answer: the hottest natural things the KALDERO Answer: I believe that would be a hypernova - a special kind of supernova.

What do red giants become after they run out of fuel?

They explode as a supernova/hypernova to form a planetary nebula/black hole.

What is bigger than a supernova?

A hypernova is a more powerful and larger explosion than a supernova. It occurs when a massive star collapses and releases an immense amount of energy, much greater than that of a supernova. Hypernovae are one of the most energetic events in the universe.