No they can not make them take them because it is the women choice if she wants to go on a diet and to take the dieting pills to help.
Women take natural breast enlargement pills mostly because they either can not or will not get plastic surgery to change the size of their breasts artificially. However, it has been proven that these pills do not work.
If you are talking regulare birth control pills it is because they give you a higher level of protection.
You can take birth control pills with food or on an empty stomach. Some women find they have nausea if they don't take the pill with food.
There's no medical reason not to.
Certain women cannot use birth control pills
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Can birth control pills make women more fertile?
Women can take the birth control pills continuously without a break to skip the periods.
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What kind of pills? Most pregnant women don't need pills.
Yes, many women will not have withdrawal bleeding on the progestin only pill. Take a pregnancy test to be sure, and take a look at the package insert in the new pills so you're familiar with the differences between the pills.