Westisle Composite High School was created in 1979.
Bellerose Composite High School was created in 1988.
Salisbury Composite High School was created in 1953.
Strathcona Composite High School was created in 1908.
Beaumont Composite High School was created in 1988.
Harry Ainlay Composite High School was created in 1966.
Salisbury Composite High School's motto is 'Sic Sursum'.
Strathcona Composite High School's motto is 'Ut qui ministrat'.
Troy UniversityThe University of Arkansas at Little RockDakota State UniversityUniversity of Southern CaliforniaPottstown High School (Pottstown, PA)Parkland High School (Allentown, PA)
Harry Ainlay Composite High School's motto is 'In Omnibus Excelsior'.
North Hunterdon High School was created in 1951.