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Q: When the electrostatic force overcomes the force in at least part of the nucleus it is called radioactive decay?
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The force that is responsible for holding the nucleus of an atom together is called the?

The force responsible for holding the nucleus of an atom together is called the strong nuclear force. It overcomes the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged protons in the nucleus, keeping the protons and neutrons bound together.

Which particle is responsible for holding the nucleus together?

The particle responsible for holding the nucleus together is the strong nuclear force mediated by particles called gluons. This force overcomes the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged protons within the nucleus, keeping it stable.

What is when the nucleus of an atom decomposes called?

radioactive decay

What is An unstable isotope is called what?

It isn't really an ELEMENT that is unstable, but an ISOTOPE. That means that in general, for the same element, some atoms will decay, and some will not - the difference being the number of neutrons in the nucleus.

When the nucleus of an atom changes by emiting particles what is this called?

radioactive decay

What is the product of radioactive decay symbolized by called?

A gamma wave...

What is an unstable nucleus that starts a decay process called?

A nucleus that starts to decay is called a radioactive nucleus or atom. It decays with a known and unique half life by several processes including but not limited to beta decay, alpha decay, electron capture decay, and positron emission.

The cloud around the atom's nucleus contains its?

The cloud around an atom's nucleus is called an electron cloud. An electromagnetic force binds electrons inside an electrostatic potential well, which surrounds the nucleus.

If an element is radioactive is it's nucleus unstable?

Yes, if an element is radioactive, it means that its nucleus is unstable and emits particles or energy in order to become more stable. This process is called radioactive decay.

What are the particles called Radioactive elements release energy?

Nucleus that causes a neutron to change into a proton is called a beta particle.

What do you call a atom that decays?

An atom whose nucleus decays over time is called radioactive. Some examples of radioactive substances are uranium, plutonium, and einsteinium.

What type of radioactive decay removes a helium nucleus and has a very low enegry level?

A helium nucleus - more precisely, a helium-4 nucleus - is called an alpha particle. The corresponding decay would be called alpha decay.