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Q: When rain is half frozen what is it called?
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What is the name for half frozen rain or half frozen snow?

sleet i guess----------------------The above 'sleet' is correct for half frozen rain (that is falling). However half melted snow (on the ground) is called 'slush'.

What are the pellets of frozen rain called as?

Hail is frozen rain, but it is made by accretion high in the clouds. Rain that freezes on its way down to the surface is called sleet.

What is the name of half frozen rain or half melted snow?


The name for half frozen rain or half melted snow?

The name for half frozen rain or half melted snow is sleet.

What is it called When frozen rain?


What are pellets of frozen rain called?

Pellets of frozen rain are called sleet. Sleet forms when rain freezes before reaching the ground, creating small ice pellets.

Intence thunderstorms produce large frozen rain drops called what?


What is partially frozen snow called?

Partially frozen rain is called Snow. This is because when you usually see the first snow fall, it doesn't pile up on the ground right away. It takes time until there are many snow flakes. But what does happen is that it will melt right away. So it's not rain, all water, its not hail, totally frozen ice, but it's Snow. Frozen, but not to a great extent.

What is a word that describe frozen rain?

A word that describes frozen rain is ice.

How does rain get frozen if it is not cold?

It can be frozen in a photograph.

What diffence between sleet and frozen rain?

Actually they are the same; sleet is frozen rain, or ice pellets. This is not to be confused with FREEZING rain, which is rain that freezes near the ground level if it is colder than above. Sleet is already frozen when it hits.

What is another name for frozen rain?

Another name for frozen rain is sleet. It is a type of frozen precipitation that consists of raindrops that have frozen before reaching the ground.