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the 2011 test has already passed. The 2012 test will be Monday May 14th at 12pm.

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Q: When is the 2011 AP Physics B Test?
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How do you pass AP Physics B?

Work hard, do all your homework, and do well on tests. Then get more than 40% right on the AP test.

Where are answers to 1993 AP physics b multiple choice?

you can find it by typing it into google search engine

Can someone link me to the AP Physics B multiple choice 2004 exam that was released by the College Board?


Has anyone ever gotten a 5.0 in high school?

I got a 5.0 GPA in junior year (I'm a senior now) i had---> AP US history AP Calculus AB AP Chemistry AP Physics B AP Language and Comp. AP Biology Yes...u read right THREE AP sciences in one year Dx it sucked! but (not trying to be stereotypical) i am a try hard asian :P i actually ended first quarter with 4 B's and 2 A's but by 2nd semester i had straight A-'s xD if u try really hard u can do it! (i actually had an AP Chem and AP bio test the same day and a AP physics test the next day--- i only had 3 hours of sleep in those 48 hours :( but i did it! :D im gonna try again this year! i have AP Government (first semester) AP Enviromental Science AP Literature and Comp. AP Calculus BC AP Art History AP Physics C yikes! but i have confidence!

What are the release dates for Test Subject B - 2011?

Test Subject B - 2011 was released on: USA: 2011

What AP exams should I take?

Ones that interest you and correspond with the major you want to pursue in college. Every school has different AP courses. And it also depends on eligibility. Like to take AP Physics, you have to have a good grade in algebra. To take AP Bio or AP Environmental you have to have a B or better in Biology CP or whatever the prerequisite is at your school

How do you use trigonometry in ap physic?

in AP Physics (whether B or C), trigonometry is used to find the components of vectors, model the mechanics of waves (both physical and electromagnetic) and oscillations, sum the strength of fields, and use dot and cross products.

Does it look better to get a B in an AP GT course or an A in an Honors course?

Definitely a B in an AP class.

If you are an undecided high school student who will pick either pre-med or engineering in college should you take ap physics b ap biology or ap chemistry?

All of the above. You will need lots of science credits with either field. Biology will be more useful for pre-med. The other two would be useful for both.

When was Journal of Physics B created?

Journal of Physics B was created in 1968.

When was Applied Physics B created?

Applied Physics B was created in 1981.

When was Modern Physics Letters B created?

Modern Physics Letters B was created in 1987.