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Q: When did children in the UK have to start wearing uniforms?
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What countries do school children wear uniforms?

Ireland and the UK.

How many children are start smoking a day in UK?

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How many children start smoking in the UK a day?

412 Approx 412 Approx

When was Catherine Wearing born?

Catherine Wearing was born on January 8, 1966, in England, UK.

Are children of 5 too young to start school in UK?

no, it all depends how smart they are and when the parents make the proper arrangements

What should a 12 year old girl wear on the first day of school?

A school in the UK should have said what they expect with the uniform issue. The US however is different, they do not ask for any uniforms to be worn. I should suggest wearing something the girl will feel most comfortable in.

Where can one purchase medical shoes for Nurses in the UK?

There are four online stores in the UK where medical shoes can be purchased for nurses. The stores are Please Medical Online Store, Scrubs, Grahame Gardner and Nurses Uniforms. Nurses Uniforms also sells medical shoes.

What are normal primary school uniforms in the UK like?

The UK primary school uniform may consist of different items. One of the more common uniforms is a plain golf shirt with a school logo with plain shorts or pants. These items are usually in the school colors.

What was the initiative of the Sure Start in the UK?

The Sure Start initiative launched in 1998 was meant to give the children of the United Kingdom things they would need to have the best possible start in life. It was meant to give children improved healthcare, education, family support and community development.

When was Benjamin Michael Wearing born?

Benjamin Michael Wearing was born on December 28, 1989, in England, UK.

When does season 7 of 'Entourage' start in the UK?

when does entourage start in the UK

How much do police uniforms cost in pounds?

A standard uniform for the police in the UK costs around £200