I would guess that whenever they were "colonized" by the Spaniards. Afterall, the Spanish language starts with the Spaniards. And it's not like the Mexicans starting speaking spanish out of the blue one day.
The Spanish conquered Mexico, most of Central America and much of South America. They were called Conquistadors.
Mexico has the largest Spanish-speaking population in the world.
No. It is a Spanish-speaking city in Mexico.
Mexico is the Spanish-speaking country closest to the United States.
Mexico is the Spanish speaking country that borders the US to the south.
Mexico is the largest Spanish speaking country.
The most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world is Mexico.
Mexico is the only Spanish-speaking country in North America.
Yes, the main language in Mexico is Spanish.
Mexico has the largest Spanish speaking population
Mexico borders the US to the south.
My Spanish-speaking neighbor to the south is Mexico.
A Spanish-speaking country that starts with "M" is Mexico.