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Q: When conflicts arise what helps to solidify relationships and leads to a healthy exploration of values attitudes and feelings?
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When conflict arises what helps to solidify relationships and leads to healthy exploration of values attitudes and feelings?

Conflict Resolution

Strategies that can be employed to resolve behavioral conflicts?

conflicts arising out of attitudes, emotions and feelings are termed as behavioural conflicts. to resolve behavioural conflicts the following strategies are adopted: ignoring it, smoothing, compromising and solving

What internal and external conflicts does mrs chen face?

Mrs. Chen faces internal conflicts such as feelings of guilt or self-doubt about her decisions, and external conflicts like societal pressures or challenges from family members. These conflicts can affect her personal well-being and relationships with others.

What do we use to appraise and shape your attitudes feelings and actions?

Our beliefs, values, experiences, and external influences such as societal norms, culture, and relationships all contribute to appraising and shaping our attitudes, feelings, and actions. Additionally, self-reflection, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence play roles in this process.

What sort of attitudes and requests are likely to create conflict?

Attitudes that are dismissive, arrogant, or condescending can create conflict. Additionally, making demanding or unreasonable requests without considering others' perspectives or feelings can escalate tensions and lead to disagreements.

What are the racial attitudes?

Racial attitudes refer to the beliefs, feelings, and behaviors individuals have towards people of different races. These attitudes can range from positive to negative, and can impact interactions, relationships, and societal dynamics between individuals of different races. It is important to address and challenge negative racial attitudes to promote equality and respect among all racial groups.

What disadvantage of the family member?

One disadvantage of family members is their potential biases, which can cloud their judgment and create conflicts. Additionally, familial relationships can sometimes hinder open communication or lead to feelings of obligation that may not exist in other types of relationships.

The distinctive feature of the psychodynamic perspective is its emphasis on?

The distinctive feature of the psychodynamic perspective is its emphasis on the role of the unconscious mind in shaping thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It also focuses on early childhood experiences and the influence of past relationships on psychological functioning.

How the story everyday use by Alice Walker would be different if you had an Omniscient Narrator?

If "Everyday Use" had an omniscient narrator, the readers would have access to the inner thoughts and feelings of each character, providing a deeper understanding of their motivations and conflicts. This would offer a more comprehensive view of the characters' perspectives and relationships, potentially leading to a richer exploration of themes such as heritage, identity, and family dynamics.

Summarize the relationship between attitudes and behavior?

There is a direct relationship between attitudes and behavior. Attitudes are how someone feels about something and behavior is how they act on those feelings.

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What are some advantages and disadvantages of speaking?

Advantages of speaking include effective communication, building relationships, and expressing thoughts and feelings. Disadvantages can include misinterpretation of words, conflicts arising from misunderstandings, and potentially saying something hurtful.