There are many "hats" you wear as a teacher. When you teach a class you have to have all the materials ready to go for each lesson that you will teach that day/week. You have to have lessons plans done for each lesson you teach. As a teacher you are a counselor, nurse, semi parent, and teacher for each child in the class. You have yard duty to serve each day, papers to fill out for the administration and the state every month, forms to fill out, teacher meetings to attend, parent conferences to attend, papers to grade each day, report cards to fill out every 12 weeks, special meetings for special things like children who are in special education classes that come into your class, after school tutoring sessions, test prep and teacherin services that are required for teachers to attend, any thing like spelling bee coach, sports, yearbook, student council, clubs all require a teacher. There are other meetings teachers are required to attend or be a part of these are for adaption of textbooks, teacher/parent committees, and grade level meetings. Within the classroom you have to keep everyone working and make sure the lessons you are teaching are being understood. Along with that you have children in the class who act out or interrupt the teaching/learning process and you have to handle those situations as well as teach. You have interruptions from the office, nurse, music teacher, and other matters. Sometimes you have children who come and go during the day as you teach, so you have to make sure they get the information that they didn't get. If a child is going to miss school you have to have a system for them to make up the work. Some children leave for extended stays and you have put together all the work for the time they will be gone. Of course you also have Back to School Night, and Open House to attend as well as graduation at the end of the year. Teachers are also evaluated on performance at least 3 times a year and a new teacher usually about 6 times. Under many state laws a new teacher is to attend special meetings for new teachers, have a mentor, and put together a body of their work for the first 2 years to turn into the state. Finally, teachers are required to attend college classes to keep their teaching credentials .
There are several ways that you can keep track of a person who is delegated to perform daily duties, the first being a log book to record who came to conduct the daily duties. Another way would to be create a login program for the duties with unique IDs and Passwords for each person.
... your daily household duties.
The job duties of an elementary teacher in Mississippi include teaching children and preparing lesson plans. A teacher should also evaluate and monitor students' performances.
non teaching duties in camous experience as a student teacher
The job duties of a math teacher is to keep the class in line but also to make it so the class is not bored she is also entitled to teach math
farming and daily duties
ya mum
cooking, farming, and building
A teacher in Texas can continue to teach with a class A as long as the misdemeanor is not one that is related to the duties of the education profession. If a teacher is convicted of a felony or misdemeanor that is related to the duties of the education profession they can also lose their license.
Not enough (:
i don't know that's why i am asking you