If you dread going to PE class and hate being criticized by the PE teachers, the dream merely expresses those feelings. It does not predict any future event in PE class.
Some p.e. teachers can be tomboys but a lot of them really do have a "girly" life outside of school. I know a PE teacher that actually dates another PE teacher. So not all PE teachers are tomboys, even though it may seem like it.
They are trained as PE teachers.
Teachers of PE (Physical Education) are also often known as gym teachers (since they teach in a gymnasium).
mostly depends on the school, what the other teachers get.
By law teachers are only supposed to work up to 47 hours per week. PE teachers work about 34 to 45 hours a week.
it gives them new ipods
Lesson plans for teachers by teachers can be found online at http://www.lessonplanspage.com/pe-htm. This is for students from kindergarten to high school. Another site to learn more about lesson plans for fitness is here: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/teachers/lessonplans/health/fitness/fitforlife.html.
This is just my opinion but schools should have PE because it teaches kids you to be active and healthy and I know is let's kids let off steam wich is good for teachers because they don't wand rilled up students.