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Q: What would be the degree you get for elementary school?
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What degree do you need to be an elementary school teacher in Arkansas?

you have to be 4th degree

Do you need a bachelor's degree to become an elementary school teacher?

You need a bachelor's degree and a teaching certificate.

Where did Sarah palin go to elementary school?

If she went to elementary school in Wasilla my guess would be Iditorod Elementary School. Why don't we ask her?

What is Gordon elementary school distidric?

Gordon Elementary School's District is Memphis City Schools. I would like to know how did Gordon Elementary School get the name of E W Gordon Elementary School?

What job advancements does teaching preschool offer?

if you have a degree, it may lead to a job with the school system in elementary school. The higher the degree the more advamncement opportunities there are. So a Master's degree in education would lend itself to advancement and/or choices in the job market.

What are the uses of a baccalaureate?

A baccalaurteate is a Bachelors Degree (Ba); the use of the degree depends entirely on the the material that was studied and what job it is being applied to. For example a Bachelors Degree in Law is only useful if it is applied in a legal (and sometimes commercial field). You would not use it if you wanted to teach at elementary school, for that you would require a BA in elementary education or education.

What type of education do you need to be an Elementary school teacher in Georgia?

you need to have a teachers degree

Is elementary school capitalized?

It depends. In the sentences, "I attended Walfred Elementary" or "I attended Walfred Elementary School," then it would be capitalized. In the sentence "I attended elementary school," then it would not.

What is the plural for elementary?

There isn't really a plural word for elementary. For example if it were elementary school you would make it into elementary schools.

What Elementary school did Selena quintanilla?

Selena went to an elementary school in her neighborhood in Texas.So i would segest that you look it up on the internet.

Should dogs be allowed in Elementary school?

I would love it if they did when I was in elementary but to be fair, no, because kids would be too distracted to focus on school.

Where can one find an education?

One can find an education by many different resources. The main resource would be school. Such as elementary school, junior high, high school, then going off to college to get a higher degree of education.