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Q: What words have two double ds?
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Related questions

What dose ds stand for in Nintendo ds?

Ds stands for "double screen'' as in the two ds screens.

What words have two double e's in them?

Words with two double Es is beekeeper (and variants), peewee, and teepee.

What does DS stand for?

The DS in Nintendo DS stands for Dual Screen. The hand held gaming system has two LCD screens, one being touch sensitive and the other not. i think it means double screen DS stands for Double Screen. it also means that it has to ways of controling it!

DS Why is it called DS?

DS stands for Double Screen because it has 2 screens.

How do you get a double bed on harvest moon cute for ds lite?

You have to get two house upgrades and then it will be available on the shopping channel

What is DS in medicine?

It refers to double shot or double doses

Is a double consonant and a double syllable the same?

No, a word with two consonants does not necessarily have two syllables too.Some examples of double consonants in two syllable words are:HappyDinnerSummerBubbleSillyAppleCoffee.

What words have two double letters?


Words with two sets of double letters?


What is ds as an abbreviation?

double screen

Is there a word with double q in it?

AnswerNo.AnswerThere are no words with consecutive double Q's (qq). But there are some words with two q's in it.EquivoqueQuaquaversalQuerqueduleQuinquagesimaQuinquangularQuinquarticularQuinqueangledQuinquedentateQuinquedentatedQuinquefariousQuinquefidQuinquefoliateQuinquefoliatedQuinqueliteralQuinquelobateQuinquelobaredQuinquelobedQuinquelocularQuinquenervedQuinquennialQuinquenniumQuinquepartiteQuinqueremeQuinquesyllableQuinquevalvequinquevalvularQuinquivalentSubquinquefid

Words with double y in them?

Just these two: Sayyids Sayyid