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Not usually. LH and HCG are similar and can be detected with an ovulation test. In short an ovulation test can be a substitute though not recommended for an early pregnancy test

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Q: What will the ovulation test stick show if you are pregnant?
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Will a ovulation test show positive even if your pregnant?

it should show you are pregnant Hello there. A Ovulation test will ONLY come out positive when LSH....the Ovulating hormone has been found in your urine. Some women do claim to of had a positive Ovulation test during early pregnancy but this information is so inconclusive that its not a reliable pregnancy testing method at this time. To determine if you are pregnant, its adviseable to buy a pregnancy test and see your doctor for a blood test to be certain.

Would an ovulation kit detect ovulation if already pregnant?

If you are pregnant, you would not be ovulating. However, sometimes an ovulation test can be used to detect pregnancy. The test line must be darker than the control line.

Can you get pregnant on the date of ovulation?

Yes, you can. The day of ovulation is when you are most likely to get pregnant. Take a pregnancy test if you then miss your next period.

Can you use a ovulation test to find out if your pregnant or not?

No. An ovulation test only tells when you are ovulating and a pregnancy test only tests for pregnancy, not ovulation. The tests are designed to detect different hormones/chemicals in a female's urine

When do you know that am pregnant after ovulation?

You can take a test 2 weeks after sex.

Can an ovulation test give a result of being pregnant already instead of ovulation results?

female body produce diferent hormones during ovulation and pregrance, LH one day before ovulation and HCG during pregrance.However both this hormones have simillarity and ovulation predictory kit can be used like e pregrance test, but pregrance test cant be used us ovulation test kit.

You have not had a period so how do i know if am ovulateing?

you can first buy a pregnancy test to check if you're pregnant, if not, then get an ovulation test.

If you had unprotected sex during ovulation and missed your upcoming period are you pregnant?

you could be, get a test to be sure

Weight gain before a pregnancy test will show if pregnant or not?

If you have gained weight or not have nothing to do with it. If you are pregnant the test will show.

Can opk detect pregnancy 1 week after ovulation?

no. opks are ovulation prediction kits. they detect when you ovulate. to find if youre pregnant, you have to take a pregnancy test

When can alady get pregnant?

well if your trying to become pregnant the best thing to do is get a ovulation test and use that or u can go 14 days after the first full flow of your period its best if you have sex before and during your ovulation.

If a pregnancy test gives a negative result three and a half weeks after intercourse and ovulation tests from the previous week have confirmed that ovulation occurred what does this mean?

THIS MEANS THAT THE OVARIES HAVE RELEASED AN EGG...OVULATION IS THE ONLY TIME OF THE MONTH FOR A WOMAN TO GET PREGNANT AND IF YOU HAVE SEX AROUND THAT TIME YOU CAN GET PREGNANT...SO WAIT ABOUT 2 TO 3 WEEKS AND THEN TAKE ANOTHER TEST...THE TEST WAS PROBABLY NEGATIVE BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT YOUR HCG LEVEL WASNT HIGH ENOUGH TO DETERMINE PREGNANCY If you had sex three and a half weeks ago but ovulation occurred either the week before that, or the week before the test (not quite sure which from the wording of your question)then you will not be pregnant. You need to have sex within a couple of days of ovulation to get pregnant.