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If this is so then a visit to your doctor will be needed and manipulation or surgery to descend the testicle..

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Q: What will happen you if it testicle was not removed from the abdomen?
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Is undescended testicle or absence of testicles from birth a problem?

Congenital absence of a testicle is not usually a problem. But an undescended testicle is a problem that needs to be fixed. If the testicle stays in the abdomen, a condition called cryptorchidism, it can lead to infertility and cancer.

Should Right testicle moves out of the scrotum into the abdomen?

Only if you are 14. Otherwise, no.

What is an undecended testicle?

I think you mean undescended. One of them is still in the lower abdomen. This should be looked at and corrected. It is too warm for it to produce sperm and there is a real risk of it developing cancer.

If you have a testicle removed can you still have children?


Found abnormal cells after testicle removed?

my son has had his testicle removed. they said that they seen adnormal cells. can you give some light on this ta yours Keith

Why did Lance Armstrong have a testicle removed?

He had testicular cancer

What is recommended if only one testicle is removed?

Although it is possible to father a child if only one testicle is removed, some surgeons recommend banking sperm as a precaution in case the other testicle should develop a tumor at a later date.

Why does your 2yr old cult horse only show 1 testicle?

A Cryptorchid is a male horse who has at least one testicle that was retained in the abdomen. Normally a colt's testicles will descend or "drop" at about 1 year, and a ring (Inguinal ring) closes above it to keep it in the scrotum. Sometimes the ring closes and leaves the testicle in the abdomen instead of the scrotum.

What would happen if a male had a teste removed?

If a male has a testicle removed, he may experience a decrease in sperm production and testosterone levels, which could impact fertility and libido. Hormone replacement therapy may be necessary to maintain hormone balance. Overall, the individual may still lead a normal and healthy life with one testicle.

What is a fake testicle?

When a man has a testicle removed by a doctor, he may opt to have an implant put into the scrotum in order to make it seem like he still has both testicles. The implant does nothing other than occupy the empty space where the removed testicle once resided.

How is Testicle fluid in the sac removed?

There is no testicle fluid in the sac. The testicles create sperm and this is released when a man ejaculates. Hope this helps.