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Education was a big thing in ancient Egypt. Boys started learning their father's job when they were four. When they were older they were expected to do the same occupation as their father. Girls and boys both attended school together. They studied reading, writing, and math. Children who were going to be lawyers, scribes, or doctors went to a special school were they studied hieroglyphics. When girls grew up they took to tending the home. Ancient Egypt was a more communistic economy.

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13y ago

One of the educational opportunities available to the ancient Egyptians was learning how to be a scribe. To become a scribe, you had to attend rigorous schools. Some children attended village schools starting at age four. Schools taught writing, reading, math, sports, and of course, manners and respect. at age fourteen, most children went off and followed their fathers proffesion.

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9y ago

Children were brought up in the home and educated by their parents and slaves in farming, fishing, trades, fighting and religious duties for boys, and food production, domestic and religious duties for girls.

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12y ago

ancient Egyptian kids learn what modern day kids learn. they learned math,history,how to write and they also learned more about their nation and their Pharaoh.

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13y ago

Ancient Egypt's main subjects were reading, writing, and arithmetic.

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