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if you were naughty you caned or had a slipper hurled at you

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Q: What were some rules of the 1950 in school?
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Can you make out in high school?

It depends on what high school you go to. Some have rules that say you can not make out there and there are other schools that do not have any rules about making out.

What are school rules?

School rules are guidelines and regulations set by educational institutions to promote a safe and conducive learning environment. These rules often outline expectations for student behavior, attendance, dress code, and academic conduct. Following school rules is important for maintaining order and fostering a positive learning atmosphere.

Are there schools that allow any type of head wear?

Some school does but some school don't. I suppose it's the way the rules are.

What was the school rules in 1900s?

In the 1900s, school rules varied by region and school, but common rules included wearing uniforms, respecting teachers, attending classes regularly, and maintaining discipline. Punishments for breaking rules could include detention, writing lines, or even physical discipline in some cases.

How can my human rights get violated in school?

If your under school rules, yes. School rules..

What were the dating rules of the 1950's?

they banged everyone

What are the ratings and certificates for Girls' School - 1950?

Girls' School - 1950 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved

Why do students have to obey school rules?

Rules are usually there for a reason. Some rules are there for your own safety or that of others or for the protection of property. Others are there so that people can learn. In the end, following school rules will allow you and other students to learn in a productive environment.

Why student do not follow the rules of school?

Students may not follow school rules for a variety of reasons, such as seeking attention, testing boundaries, peer pressure, or lack of understanding or belief in the rules. Additionally, some students may have personal issues or challenges that affect their behavior and ability to follow rules. Effective communication, consequences, and support are important in helping students understand the importance of following school rules.

What actors and actresses appeared in School for Charm - 1950?

The cast of School for Charm - 1950 includes: Fred Davis

Can you be told off if you are off school grounds?

You can. While school officials have no direct authority away from school, they may still address and advise their students. While you are on school premises, you are subject to school rules. And school rules can be extended to include local community rules, county rules or country rules ( 'the law of the land rules'). So exhibit good manners wherever you are, and you can avoid unpleasant forms of discipline.