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if people could afford it they wold have animal teeth, other human teeth from people who were already dead, or ocassionally wood

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Q: What was used before false teeth?
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Related questions

What were false teeth made of before porcelain teeth?

Before porcelain, false teeth were made from materials like ivory, animal teeth, and human teeth obtained from donors or graveyards. Other materials used included wood, bone, and metal.

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How has porcelain been used to make false teeth?

False teeth are produced by making a mold of existing teeth. Then shaping porcelain to mirror the teeth that are fitted to vacant gums.

Should I take out my false teeth before brushing?

You should remove your false teeth before brushing and rinse them under running water. Then you should brush them both inside and out. You should also gently brush your gums and palate

What effects does cola have on false teeth?

it has no effect on false teeth

Does Hannah Montana wear false teeth?

She's a young lady, Her teeth are perfect, Think before you ask such a dumb question.

How many false teeth did Thomas Jefferson have?

He had around 8 to 10 false teeth.

Did Abraham Lincoln have false teeth?

his teeth was really roten that is why he put fake teeth so he can look good

Beginning with the letter D what is another word for false teeth?

Another word beginning with the letter D for false teeth is Dentures. I.E, Dentures are popularly known as the go-to for false teeth however there are other types of false teeth such as bridges and caps; which don't replace all of the teeth.

Does Marlo Thomas have false teeth?

Sure looks like it.

what is the price of false teeth after chemotherapy?

how much money do i need to have false teeth after my chemotherapy is over?

What was the first and last name of the first US President with false teeth and what were they made of?

George Washington owned at least one set of false teeth. You used to hear that they were made of wood, but I think they are made of ivory and animal teeth. There used to be a set displayed in the Smithsonian. I think they were stolen but maybe returned.