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The Union won the battle of Gettysburg and therefore successfully kept the Confederates from continuing their invasion of the North.

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Q: What was the outcome of Gettysburg?
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What was the outcome of each battle?

Gettysburg was only one battle.

What happend at the outcome of the battle of Gettysburg?

The Union won the Battle of Gettysburg witch is know as the bloodies battle in the Civil War history.

What was one outcome of the battle of Gettysburg?

It was a Union victory; many Confederates were killed in Pickett's charge

Outcome of Gettysburg?

Meade defeated Lee. Lee retreated to Virginia, never to invade the North again.

Why was the geography important to the outcome of the battles of Gettysburg?

it allowed the Union to shoot down the Confederates from atop the hill

What Site of the battle that turned the tide of the war in the North's favor?

There are several answers to this question that placed the outcome of the Civil War in favor of the Union. Based on my readings on this, it seems that, although not known at the time, the Battle of Gettysburg is the battle that foretold the outcome of the war. Robert E. Lee never again attempted to invade the North after this huge Confederate defeat.

What part did Gettysburg play in the war?

The Battle of Gettysburg was a long, gruesome battle. However, it was certainly a turning point that determined the war's eventual outcome. The North, who had been losing most of the important battles, regained morale after coming out as the winner at Gettysburg. It led to the North's win of the war.

Why was the Battle of Gettysburg more imoprant than the Battle of Antietam in the overall outcome of the Civil War?

It was important because at that time the North and the South had many disagreements. The Battle of Gettysburg was more about the North and the South disagreeing on not having slavery and having slavery.

What was the outcome of of the battle of Gettysburg?

The Union won the Battle of Gettysburg. Lee retreated to Virginia. Meade failed to vigorously pursue, and the war continued for another year and nine months.The Confederates would never again try to invade the North and threaten Washington DC.

How did Lincolns Gettysburg Address affect Union morale?

The outcome of the Battle of Gettysburg gave a tremendous boost to the morale of the Union Army. The Confederate Army saw the battle as a defeat but it did not have major demoralizing effect.

Which battle on the map was fought in Pennsylvania?

The Battle of Gettysburg was fought in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.