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I understand it killed more people than the war itself.

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Q: What was Spanish flu like in ww1?
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Where did the Spanish flu come from?

The spanish flu virus is believed to have started in Asia like most of the flu viruses, and then made its way to the US where it may have mutated on the way to become the pandemic Spanish flu of 1918. During this time of WW1, as soldiers were coming back to the US from war zones across the world and others were being sent from the US into the war, the virus spread to hundreds of millions of people in the US and worldwide. It did not originate in Spain. It is called the Spanish flu only because that is how most people first heard about it, from Spanish newspapers that, unlike newspapers in many other countries, continued to publish and get distributed throughout the war.

In ww1 somthing spanish killed 50 million people what was it?

It was the so-called "Spanish flu", an pandemic that struck Europe in 1918 and killed more people than the first world war.

When Edward Cullen had the spanish inflienza is that like the Swine Flu and is ti coutagous?

The Spanish Influenza; is a flu in Spain I guess it could be like the Swine Flu... in a way that theree was no cure for the influenza epidemic but no, swine means pigs

What was the main cause of the Spanish Flu?

Like all influenza, it was caused by a flu virus. It is often stated to have been spread around the world to the point of pandemic with millions of deaths world wide by WW1 soldiers moving from location to location carrying the highly transmissible infectious virus with them from the US (where it is now believed to have originated).

Why are viruses infamous and deadly on earth?

HIV is one of them. Some strains of Flu, like Bird Flu and Spanish Flu. And...uhh... I dont know anymore. =S

Where did the 1918 flu happen?

It happened world-wide. It was a true pandemic and was mainly spread by WW1 soldiers as they moved to and from the battle fronts around the world. It is believed to have originated in the US, although that is not proven. It is known as the Spanish flu but not because it began in Spain; it was because the newspapers from Spain were where it was first reported. During WW1, many of the usual news sources in the western world were not operational and much of the world news came from Spanish news services.

How did world war 1 contribute to influenza pandemic?

During the same time as WW1 there was a pandemic of influenza that killed millions of people world wide. It is commonly called the Spanish Flu.

How was the Spanish flu different from the regular flu?


Was the Spanish flu avian or swine?

The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic was closely related to an avian virus.

Has throat cancer ever been an epidemic?

No, it has not. An epidemic is something like the 1918 Spanish Flu that spreads extremely fast and kills an extremely large amount of people. In fact, the Spanish Flu killed so many it was pretty much the reason WW1 ended. While cancer is a horrible disease, it's not contagious nor is it always deadly. Point is, no type of cancer is an epidemic. It's not like the entire nation needs to worry about dying from it, and that's the kind of concerns an epidemic instills.

Where did the Spanish flu hit?

The Spanish Flu was a true Pandemic, affecting every corner of the world.

How do you get well once you have the spanish flu?

Your body has to respond to the Spanish flu before you get better, It usually takes 7 to 10 days. However the Spanish flu epidemic occurred in 1918. It was called the H1 N1 influenza.