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The Mayans way of education was taught to only the higher authority such as priests, leaders/chiefs, war leaders, etc. As far as the rest of the Mayan population went, education and learning were both a thing that existed in their house, where their parents taught them information that they knew from growing up and information that passed down to them generation to generation, etc.

The ancient Mayan education was taught differently. It was not the same way we do in America. First, they only taught education to higher people like Priests, chiefs, leaders, and war leaders. It was unfair to lower people. Next, lower people still got education from there family, friends, and generations. They taught the younger ones what they ever learned through out there lives. After that, the lower people got angry and they made there own education place for any type of person. Well the ancient Mayan education was not easy or fair to some people. There education was pretty weird compared to America's education. This is not even half information about the ancient Mayan education.The education of the ancient Mayan's was kind of weird to us. They only gave education to higher people like Chiefs, leaders, war leaders, and priests. The other people who didn't get education still got education from there families, generations, and friends. Usually there parents would teach what they learned throughout there lives. Mayans had a different education than some countries had. Like in America there is education for every type and every age person. Although their level of knowledge is as much as Greece, Mayans had like 2 areas that not even Greece has done. It is medicine and Astronomy. Ancient Mayans still had as much as knowledge as other countries did. Some people think Mayan's are not smart but they are so wrong because Mayan's are pretty smart with higher education but they are not the smartest. As I have told you ancient Mayan education is different from ours. In some countries education is only for different type of people like, young or old people, what group you're in, or even how strong you are. In Maya it matters in what group you're in. It was only for higher people like priests, and chiefs, and also leaders. So ancient Mayan's made up this type of company that lets any type of people learn. Those higher people felt jealous because they felt one in a kind of person so they shut down the company with their high authorities. But it was not fair to the lower people. So the lower people made up their own secret learning place. But if the higher people found out the lower people would be ruined. Every thing went well except one day they found out and those lower people went to jail. But the lower people's education was better than the higher people. Mayans have a strong religion for education. Even though they didn't get enough education like the other countries did they still had good education. Mayans also had a different kind of education too. They had lessons on hunting. But on this education only young people were allowed to do. They would learn how to hunt cow, buffaloes, deer, and more animals. Mayan's needed more hunters to get more food. They would teach them how to throw spears and how to be real sneaky. Mayans were real good at this. They would use their brains to think of traps. Mayans were one of the best hunters in the world but they were not the best. Mayan's had a very different education than some of the countries.

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