Einstein once said that he thought in a stream of pictures. He used mental imagry to help him think and create new ideas. He liked to play with what he called "thought experiments" where he would imagine all sorts of wild and unusual ideas. The idea of relativity came to him after he imagined what it would be like to ride on a beam of light. Einstein also set aside time every day to think. His brain was his greatest asset, and he used it as if he were going into a job, taking time out to do nothing but imagine and wonder and try to come up with new ideas. He also used what he called "hard thinking" and "soft thinking." Hard thinking was when he studied scientific information and worked on learning new facts and new scientific formulae. Soft thinking was when he stopped consciously working on things with his mind and instead did things he enjoyed, like playing the violin or sailing. When his body was relaxed, his mind often worked on the scientific problems subconsiously, and he could come up with very creative ideas that way. You can use Einstein's techniques yourself. First, study your schoolwork as hard as you can. Then, take an hour or so to do something you enjoy, and let your mind work on the problems while your body does something else. You can also use "thought experiments" to dream up new ideas for yourself.
i suggestyou read albert einsteins quotations
Logical Thinking is studying How one should reason Critical Thinking is studying how humans actually reason
Well there is no real way for studying for it , it is just basic knowledge and cticial thinking.
Physics is a way of thinking because it teaches a systematic and logical approach to understanding the natural world. It emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to analyze and interpret data. By studying physics, individuals learn to approach complex problems with a structured and quantitative mindset.
the fact that you can learn about the past, if your thinking about it, go for it
Little Einsteins - 2005 Little Einsteins Halloween 1-11 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G
I think the question must be the other way round!
all his clothes used to be in a same stich and in a same (i.e. white) colour, so that he dont wastes time thinking what to wear.
does quincy likes the piano in little einsteins
cuz studying hurts, but Study either way ;)
One advantage would be ,to understand what a person you know is thinking about and why.
no having lots of fun and not studying is the way to go then win the lottery your set!