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Don't know if it is the best but Newspaper is a very good insulator and generally easy and cheap or free to get. Cardboard is alo very good.

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Q: What type of paper is the best insulator of heat?
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A metal cup will generally keep hot water hotter for longer compared to a paper cup. Metal is a better insulator than paper, so it helps to retain heat more effectively.

Which is an example of a good insulator?

it depends what type of insulator youre talking about. wood is a good thermal insulator and rubber is a good electrical insulator A perfect vacuum is the best insulator.

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What is Best material for pool cover?

Any type of material that is A) Thick B) Make sure the material is an not made of any type of Insulator like paper or wood C) The best type of pool cover that keeps your pool warm and clean is better off to be a plastic cover.

Is a refrigerator an insulator?

A refrigerator is not an insulator. It uses insulation to keep the cold air inside the refrigerator and prevent outside heat from entering, but the insulation is just one component of the refrigerator's overall functioning.

Is styrofoam a better insulator of heat than plastic?

Yes, styrofoam is a better insulator of heat than plastic due to its low thermal conductivity and ability to trap air pockets. This makes it more effective at preventing heat transfer.

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The name of the material that does not transmit heat or electrical energy is an insulator. Insulators have high resistance to the flow of heat or electricity, making them useful in applications where preventing the transfer of these forms of energy is desired.

Is plastic a good insulator of heat?

Plastic is a poor conductor of heat, which means it can insulate against heat transfer to some extent. However, the effectiveness of plastic as an insulator can vary based on the type of plastic and its thickness.

Is tea cosy a thermal insulator?

Yes, a tea cozy could be considered a type of thermal insulator. This is because it keeps the heat from escaping the cup holding the tea.OH HEEL NO

What type of heat could keep the paper in the air?
