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Ostensibly, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam worship the same God. However, each ascribes slightly different attributes to His nature.

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Q: What three religions worship the same god?
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How many religions worship the same god?

All christians, Muslims, and Jews worship the same God

What god do they worship in jeauslem?

Jerusalem has a special place as it is a Holy city for all three religions. Muslims, Jews and Christians all worship here and they all worship the same God

What is the legacy of monotheistic religions?

They all worship the same creator God, the result of which is that the majority of people on earth worship the same God.

Why might Christians have borrowed ways of worship from Jewish religions?

Because they worship the same God.

What do Israel wereship?

Israel has three different religions, jewish, christianity, and islam. The Islam worship their god Allah. The Christians worship God. And the Jews worship the messiah.

Which Gods or beings do various religions worship?

The three monotheistic or Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) all worship the same one God. Other religions worship various different Gods and beings. For example. Buddhism is based on the teachings of Buddha, Hinduism does not worship any one God or claim any one Prophet, and traditional Chinese religion recognises hundreds of Gods and Godesses.

What do Judaisim Christianity and Islam all have in common?

Mainly, the three religions were originated by same God and call for monotheism; that is to worship God as the one and only one god with no partner, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence.

What do the three religions disagree on?

Jesus' identityJews reject Jesus, Christians worship him as a god, and Muslims regard him as a messenger of God.

Do all Muslim worship the same god?

Yes, all Muslim people worship the same god, who they call Allah, meaning "The one God," or "The sole Diety." As with all other religions, followers of Islam sometimes disagree about details of the teachings and will of their god. The Muslim god is, by traditional, the same one worshiped by Jews and Christians, though these three religions differ on which holy books and teachings are valid and which prophets are legitimate representatives of their shared deity.

Which god does Islam worship?

Islam is a monotheistic relgion, they worship one God who is usually referred to as Allah, the Arabic word for this God. This is the same God worshiped by the other Abrahamic religions, Christianity and Judaism.

Who is worshipped in Christanity?

The Christian god is worshipped in Christianity. It should be noted that some other religions identify the Christian god as the same god as their own, though they may not worship in the same manner. Nor do all religions recognise that god.

What do Judaism Christianity and Islam define god as?

The three religions mentioned are the heavenly religions. They have basically the same idea about Almighty God. According to these religions there is no god or goddess but Only ONE Almighty God Who alone deserves worship. He is the Sole Creator, Sustainer, Provider, and Ruler of the Universe. Except in Christianity, he has No Son, and has no Parents and no Partner or Associate.