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1) are poet dremers? in what sense?

2) is a poet a practical man? in what way?

3) are dreams, according to the aurthor, useful to the world? why?

4) what was fulton's achivement?

5) if the poet did not dream, what should happen?

6) in what way is the poet a specialist?

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Q: What suject does a teacher teach in existentialism?
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What are the atheistic existentialism beliefs about families and babies?

Atheists have families and for the most part teach their children to be of high moral character. Existentialism is a term most often found in philosophy, so to me that is moot.

Can math teacher teach physics?

yes a math teacher can teach physics

What is the noun for teach?

The noun forms for the verb 'to teach' are teacher and the gerund (verbal noun) teaching.

What part of speech is the word teacher?

The word 'teacher' is a noun. 'Teach' is a verb. I am able to teach, therefore I am a teacher.

what grades can a teacher teach?

a teacher can teach any grade as long as school is covered and finished

How much is a maths TEACHER paid in the UK?

Around £5000 to £6000 a year. It depends on what type of teacher you are,where you teach,when you teach and who you teach.

To be the teacher?


What is teacher training?

Teacher training, is the the time where a person traines to be a teacher. they often watch how teachers of the subject they want to teach for a while, then attempt to teach that class.

Can you still be a teacher if you teach a subject you did not major in?

A person can teach the subject that they minored in. A teacher can also teach in Elementary Ed if that was their major in college.

How does a teacher become a teacher?

a teacher becomes a teacher by taking her degree. and then she can teach us

What is the root word for teacher?

I would assume teach, for a teacher is one that teaches. sometimes refered to as "teach" for short.

What a teacher does?

Teach academics.