Say thankkx so much that means a lot to me
do what makes YOU happy !
I am a boy and maybe, depends on the guy and the girl he married
You should stop focusing on what the friends around you think and start focusing on what you want, and stop leading the poor guy on.
In my opinion, [it may not be yours,] I would chose the guy who makes me happy instead of the guy who won't make me happy.
Always do what is best for you and don't stay in any situation that you are not happy in as its not good for you or fair to that other person. With that being said jumping from one long term relationship and then into another is also not good for either person you have to allow yourself some time between relationships.
Guy says : What the f`ck! You say: WHAT!
It means that he does not feel bad that you two broke up and that he is happy
If this guy said it to me,I would think that he was over you and that he thnks that you should stop dating and to go your own separate ways and to just forget that any of it ever happened!!
be happy for them
He means that he is happy that he met you and he may be interested in continuing the relationship.
sleep with new guy to make old guy jealous (and make new guy happy)