NO. ITT Tech has no ABET-accredited programs and so-called "credits" earned at this marketing organization (masquerading as a school) will not be accepted by traditional colleges and/or universities. If you don't believe it, then look them up at the ABET site.
If the school is closed it no longer has accreditation. The factor of accreditation is limited to that one school or district. The school no longer exists. However, if you mean what happens if you have a degree from that school when it WAS accredited, that largely depends on what you want to do with it. If you want to use that degree to work, it is likely they will accept the degree because it was accredited when you went there. If you want to transfer credits however, that decision will be up to the school that you are going to attend. You should probably check with them before transferring, and see what credits they will accept from your old school.
You can transfer if you wish to, nothing stops you. The important thing would seem to hinge upon how many credits, if any, the accredited school would accept from the non-accredited school, and whether it would be worth your while or not.
I am looking for a accredited high school diploma program that are accept at community colleges in the state of Mississippi
When choosing an online school, you should first make sure they are accredited. Do they have your program of choice and will they accept any credits that you may have accured from a previous institute? La Dalea Chicago,IL
Nationally Accredited. Credits will not transfer to a regionally accredited school such as a state college or university, and definitely not to a grad school. Other for-profit schools are regionally accredited. Choose your school based on your goals. If you want options, choose regionally accredited.
If you're asking if you can transfer UofP credits to another college....Maybe.You should contact the school you want to transfer them to and find out what credits they will and won't accept from the University of Phoenix.Unlike the vast majority of online schools, UofP actually is accredited by a legitimate accrediting organization, so there's a good possibility that another school will accept their credits.However, colleges are not actually obligated to accept credits from any other school, and may decide on a case by case basis that a given other school either does or does not teach that particular class to the standards required.
Yes, as long as you completed those credits through a regionally accredited college or university.
Yes Everest is a nationally accredited school. meaning though it is accredited credits from the school are most likey not to trasfer to your neightborhood University or college because usually those schools will have regional accreditation
Yes, all credits may or may not transfer but it must be from an accredited community college with regional or national accreditation.**Note: A national accredited school may be harder to transfer credits to a regional accredited school, but not impossible!
Kaplan University is an online accredited school. Kaplan is regionally accredited which means that if you earn a degree from this school not all institutions like the military will accept it.
In general, credits transfer from school to school (regardless of the state), so long as the schools are both accredited. You'll need to consult with the new school to see how to go about getting credits transferred.