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Q: What role did caudillos play in latin American independence movements?
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Who were the caudillos?

Many Latin American army leaders had gained fame and power during their long struggle for independence. And they controlled the new nations as military dictators, caudillos.

Most of the caudillos who ruled Latin America countries after independence?


Who were latin American countries were controlled by after liberation?


Latin American leaders could be considered caudillos?

Some of them, yes.

Which was a major reason for instibility in Latin American countries?

rule of caudillos

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Why did Latin American nations seek independence?

Latin American nations sought independence from European colonial powers due to a desire for self-governance, cultural identity, and economic independence. They were inspired by the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers and the success of other independence movements, such as the American Revolution. Economic exploitation, social inequality, and political oppression also fueled the drive for independence in Latin America.

How did Age of Enlightenment affect the Latin American independence?

The Age of Enlightenment influenced Latin American independence movements by promoting ideas of liberty, equality, and individual rights. Intellectuals and leaders in Latin America were inspired by Enlightenment philosophies to challenge colonial rule and seek independence from European powers. The Enlightenment also fueled movements for political and social reform in Latin America, leading to increased calls for independence and the eventual overthrow of colonial governments.

What role did creoles play in independence movements in Latin Americas?

Creoles were the ones that had most rights in Latin America and therefore, they were the ones that led independence movements.

What role did creoles play in independence movements in latin America?

Creoles were the ones that had most rights in Latin America and therefore, they were the ones that led independence movements.

When variables are not controlled can a conclusion be drawn?

A diverse group of people led Latin American independence movements.