In general you need to go through a teacher training program at an accredited college or university, pass a series of basic skill and proficiency exams in the area you want to teach and be certified by the state in which you wish to teach. Beyond that, a love of teaching and an affinity towards children is desirable.
i donno hahahahaha lol
Most schools require a 4 year college degree and a teaching certificate.
Re-type on Google "What qualifications do you need to be a gym teacher". It had the most helpful answer to your question.
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11 gcse
A dance teacher does not need a degree, but a degree will help the teacher to get a better job.
Teachers in the state of Arizona need to complete specific paperwork leading to teaching certification. Some of the requirements include passing a background check which includes fingerprinting, and completing a teacher preparation program.
you have to be male
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Yes and qualifications, lots of them. Nowadays its really hard........
You need to become a teacher, maybe major in bilingual studies