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soft solder is made of tin and lead.


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Q: What products are made using soft solder?
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Is soft solder a good conductor of electricity?

Soft solder is not as good a conductor of electricity as other metals like copper or silver. It has higher resistance, which means it will generate more heat and produce more energy loss when carrying an electric current. Soft solder is mainly used for joining metal parts together, not for conducting electricity.

What is the lowest temperature that melts soft solder?

Soft solder typically melts at temperatures between 180°C to 190°C (356°F to 374°F), depending on the specific composition of the solder.

What sterling silver to use for soldering jewelry?

Typically one solders sterling silver with silver solders. There is not a solder called "sterling solder." You can choose from an array of silver solders ranging from easy (extra soft) through hard. Soft solders have lower silver content and melt at a lower temperature. Hard solders have higher silver content and flow at higher temperatures. If you are doing multiple solder joints on a single piece of solder you will need to use several grades of solder. However, if you are just creating a single solder joint than it is best to use a soft or medium solder.

What is a soft sculpture?

A soft sculpture is made using soft materials, such as cloth, rubber, plastic, paper, and materials that are nonrigid.

What are soft furnishes?

soft furnishings are husehold items or home decorations made with fabric..

Does solder bend?

Solder usually comes in the form of a thin wire or rod and is not easily bendable. When applied to a joint during soldering, it can create a strong bond between metal surfaces. However, excessive bending can cause the solder to crack or break.

How is sherbet made using neutralisation reaction?

Sherbert is made using neutralisation reaction because it makes the sherbet soft and mushy.

Is it possible to solder dress making pins together?

Yes. However, you will not use lead based solder as it is to soft. It would need to use "silver solder" and a small, high energy gas torch - If the pins are end on the weld will be rather fragile

How collage is made?

by using a variety of material's like ribbons and other soft materials

How is a collage made?

by using a variety of material's like ribbons and other soft materials

What is soft stage or plastic range is soldering?

The soft stage or plastic range in soldering refers to the temperature range where the solder begins to melt and becomes pliable. This is the ideal temperature for bonding components together as the solder can flow and create a strong electrical and mechanical connection. It is important to work within this range to properly join components without overheating or damaging them.

If the melting point of soft solder is 224 degree centigrade.What will be is corresponding temperatures on Kelvin and Fahrenheit scales?

To convert Celsius to Kelvin, add 273.15. So, the melting point of soft solder in Kelvin is 224 + 273.15 = 497.15 K. To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, use the formula F = (C x 1.8) + 32. So, the melting point of soft solder in Fahrenheit is (224 x 1.8) + 32 = 435.2 °F.