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Q: What percentage of the prison population has not graduated high school or obtained a GED?
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What percent of the prison population have not graduated from high school?

70 percent of the current prison population has not graduated or received a GED.

What is the percentage of US prison population is white?

As of 2021, the percentage of white individuals in the US prison population is around 30%.

What percentage of the UK prison population are ethnic and how does this relate per capita?

the percentage of ethnic is that they do not now as the percentage of ethnic prison fluctuates daily. to reduce this they are trying to reduce immigration

What is the race percentage in prison?

In the United States, Black individuals make up about 33% of the prison population, while White individuals make up about 30%. Hispanic individuals represent about 23% of the prison population.

What percentage of Arizona prison population are African American?

Approximately 14% of the Arizona prison population is made up of African Americans.

What is the percentage of those in prison in nz?

The percentage of those in prison in nz WHO DO WHAT?

What percentage of US prisoners are in prison for drug related offenses?

Approximately 15% of the total US prison population is serving time for drug-related offenses.

100 people in a room How many on average has been in prison?

You asked a question wondering what percent of 100 people in a room had been to prison. Basically, it would be necessary to have more information about the room before determining how many people in it had been to prison. It would be possible to give the percentage of the general population. Still, people do not gather in rooms according to their percentage as a part of the general population. People who fit the criteria of Sociopathic Personality Disorder and the ones with Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder - Passive Dependent Type, do not seek out people unlike themselves. You will either get a high percentage or low percentage of people who have been to prison.

What is Barlinnie HM Prison 's population?

Barlinnie - HM Prison -'s population is 1,400.

What percantage of the US prison population is white?

About 30% of the US prison population is white.

What is the percentage of whites in prison?


What is the current prison population of Liberia?

The current prison population of Liberia, as of November 2014, is approximately 220,000.